Workshop Description: Having identified our global ethics, the next step is to envision the first global institution that we can build upon the foundation of these principles that will markedly improve our collective life. We will explore the building of a Global Agency that would manage and control critical sources of energy worldwide and ensure their fair distribution to all nations on reasonable terms. We will delve into the way such an institution might be constituted and its decision-making and other processes crafted all the while using our global ethics as building tools. We will further examine how this institution would go a long way toward helping us tackle a triad of global challenges, two of which are existential: climate change, nuclear proliferation, and the equitable distribution of energy.
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Earlier Event: February 6
21st Century Ready Workshop (Part l): Global Ethics Are a Foundational Prerequisite
Later Event: February 27
21st Century Ready Workshop (Part lll): A Principle-Driven System of Collective Security